Size: H320 x L180 x W100 mm
Weight: 2 kg
Max voltage: 110 V
Cable length: 150 cm
Material: Hand-polished stainless steel, Wire rope, Fasteners
Designed and manufactured in Taiwan
Designed by Chenkai Chang in 2023

GUIDE LAMP is crafted from stainless steel sheets and steel cables, exploring the interdependent structural relationship between the two elements.
Drawing inspiration from the architectural arches and pillars, the design combines steel cables and metal sheets to create a spatial composition, forming a semi-open column. The light projected from within the column is reflected at the top, generating a soft indirect light source. Handcrafted using stainless steel casting and meticulously polished, the luminaire exhibits a textured finish for added tactile appeal.
GUIDE LAMP是由不鏽鋼板和鋼索精心製作而成,探索兩者之間相互依存的結構關係。汲取建築拱門和柱子的靈感,該設計結合了鋼索和金屬板,創造了一個空間組合,形成了半開放的柱子。從柱內投射出的光線在頂部反射,產生柔和的間接光源。經由不鏽鋼鑄造手工製作並經過精心打磨,燈具展現出質感的表面,增加觸感吸引力。