Round Window
Contemporary home objects studio

By observing the shapes of things in life, the visual designer Chenkai also takes them as inspiration to make the redefinition of elements such as colors, contours, materials and spaces for creation.When it comes to the original intention of establishing Round Window, it is like a ray of sunlight spilling into the window in the dark, so the home accessories that light up the entire space can be provided to you.
「窗」是空間中的靈魂元素,Round Window如同黑暗中窗外灑進的一縷陽光的,提供點亮整個空間的家飾品是品牌創立的初衷。視覺設計師朕愷的創作語言,來自日常對造型的觀察並將其簡化,以平凡的線條組成更多的可能性,並專注於色彩、結構、材質等元素重新定義再進行創造。

"Outside the window is a landscape, and inside the window are countless life miniatures."
Prentice interior under construction. Photo credit, BGA

Under the era of mechanization, we select complicated but warm hand-made products that emphasize the handling of every detail in addition to striving to create chic and unique home accessories. We believe that home accessories represent the life taste of the owner instead of just being objects, which are the artworks worthy of investment and collection.
Round Window選擇與在地傳統金屬工廠合作,傳遞新思想的同時也注重工藝上的交流,在生產過程進行材料與加工的鑽研,與師傅雕琢每一個細節,並全程於台灣生產。我們相信家飾不只是件消耗用品,而是能夠經得起時間的考驗、同時也代表個人生活品味的展現,是值得投資與收藏的藝術品。